Inventory mobile application

Inventory Project was created with the aim of improving inventory in stores and stores. It is designed as a mobile Android application that allows to create smart inventories via a Bluetooth scale, scan the EAN code of products and export entire lists of inventories for reporting to the management. Es ist als mobile Android-Anwendung konzipiert, die es ermöglicht, intelligente Inventare über eine Bluetooth-Waage zu erstellen, den EAN-Code von Produkten zu scannen und ganze Listen von Inventaren zur Berichterstattung an das Management zu exportieren.


Main features of the application are:

  • Scanning EAN codes via hardware scanner or phone camera
  • weighing of packaged (e.g. bottled) products on a Bluetooth scale
  • Inventory release across management
  • Simple plug-and-play interface
  • A wide database with predefined products for a quick system setup


For the inventory app development, we decided to create a native Android mobile application as the front-end part of the project. This gave us 100% reliability and adaptability to the device. We used the SpringBoot framework to create a RESTful backend and a MySQL database for data storage.

How our customers benefit

With our mobile application, our customers gain tremendous value in terms of speed, labor and time savings when creating their inventory. Easy UI/UX design enriches our application with its clarity and robustness. The application allows creating user roles with specific permissions in the application. This allows management to have more employees managing or creating inventory.

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Märwil, 20.12.2022